Finding a Role Model

This past week at Chatham I talked to a business graduate student about their experiences here at
Chatham, as well as asked for some advice. We talked for awhile about how they started out at Chatham and how they thought it was a great place to come to especially if you're pursuing a career in business. He is a business major who was very involved around campus. He was a part of the entrepreneur club and also part of the golf club in his spare time. We then talked about some good studying strategies and he had some really good advice. He told me to space out my studying for classes throughout the week instead of cramming everything in the night before. This was very helpful information for me because I am used to cramming everything in the night before. Another tip he had for me was to always stay ahead in the class and try to read the chapters before the class started. I was very thankful for this advice and am going to be sure to utilize it during my time here at Chatham.

The next thing we talked about was summer internships. He informed me about how important it was to make sure you get the most out of the summer internships as well as finding very credible companies to apply for. He told me about building a strong resume and gave me a few tips on how to do it. The first thing he told me was to make sure top get as involved around campus as possible so I will have plenty of things to put on my resume. Another thing he told me about was to try and talk more about accomplishments instead of just job descriptions. The final thing he told me about building a resume was to hand out my resume to as many different companies as possible even if I am not interested in working for them. He told me its very important to get my name out there while I am still young.

I asked him about how different events on campus may have helped him throughout his undergraduate studies and he was very glad I asked about this. He told me about how most first year students may feel the events are useless or don't really do any good, but he ensured me they were very helpful to him. At first he was hesitant to attend them because he wasn't sure how they were going to be or what he was going to have to do. However he began attending them and he learned a lot of valuable information that has helped him throughout his college years. I was very grateful that I was able to meet with him and learn all sorts of things that I will be sure to utilize throughout my time here.

The article I chose to read was the MAcc Student Spotlight: Rachel Kolar. The article was about a student here at Chatham that is in the Graduate program of Accounting. It talks about how Rachel has worked very hard to get to where she is today and is on track to graduate this spring. I found a lot of similarities this article and the interview I conducted. They both talked about getting yourself involved and working very hard. Another similarity was the aspect of summer internships. In the article it talks about how no class can compare to really getting out there and doing the job and that was one of the things that I also learned during my interview. I also remember learning about this in class and how Dr. Chung is always pushing us to find a very good summer internship. I actually didn't find too many differences in the article and my interview which kind of surprised me. However I learned a lot of valuable information from both the article as well as the face to face interview.

Macc Student Spotlight: Rachel Kolar. (2018, September 18). Retrieved form


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